
Morning Inspiration: "Show The World"

Morning Inspiration:

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Life is simple, the most complex situations only take part in our head. Life is about representing, telling the world what you stand for. Life is about meaning, that is solely how we digest it. Happiness is wealth, the richest can't buy real happiness. Prosperity is genuine, there is no secret to hard work. Life is ambitious, but only if you push it. There is no keys to success, just the grind that we rock with. The most diverse companies started with the simplest process. There is no secrets to getting better, it all takes time. When we skip a step in natural evolution, we embark in a game of snakes and ladders. We are NOT our parents, take from them the good, and learn from the bad. Everything can be overcome, you just need to focus. Don't sweat the small things, you will ultimately miss the big picture. Be what you stand for, you will forever be living proof. Stand tall, never let anything get in your way. Make sure when you arrive, they will forever remember your name. It's #tuesday and hash tag or not, we are fucking Vintage Frames. The highest form of compliment is that dick head who copies you. The reality is nobody can be you. The fight for greatness isn't with others, it's battled within. Show the world what you stand for, and make sure they know they can never get you to stand down. #morninginspiration#vintageframes