I always talk about perception. What one person perceives as greatness, another perceives as not good enough. The beauty of drive is once you realize it is for yourself, you go harder. Validation from peers has nothing to do with success. I have seen the most vibrant individuals stop what they are doing to be validated. By the time they are, they have become outdated. Appreciation comes from within. Appreciate yourself! Your goals are set within, why would we wait for something exterior to make them validated? As most would sit in my office and be awed by the intense walls of articles, I couldn't give a fuck. The way I perceive it is that there is still room for more, it isn't good enough! At a young age I learned to live for myself. This isn't to mean that I don't care for others, I just don't care for their pat on the back. The time waisted in waiting is the time I waist doing. The greatest quality one can master is appreciation of self. The quicker you learn that's all that matters, the quicker you can move on with your fucking day. It's #thursday and #tbtbrings me to walls of articles, and achievements, who fucking cares, it's all a bunch of money spent on framing. Greatness isn't when the world thinks your awesome, it's when you are comfortable with yourself. As much as a pat on the back is cool, a kick in the nuts makes you work harder. Comfort is built for coffins, drive is built for life.#morninginspiration #vintageframes