Reminiscing on #TBT I remembered one of the purest times of my youth. Every Friday night I used to go to Rose Bowl lanes in #Montreal with my friends. At the ripe age of 14 we thought we knew it all. Hundreds of dollars were put into this video game called Cruising USA. The week past quicker knowing that Friday night was approaching. We had conquered the game, had all the high scores, and had become snobs of the joystick. One Friday night when we entered the lanes our beloved Cruising USA game was gone, and replaced with Cruising World. My friends were devastated! Even though it was only a game, they couldn't seem to see past the "USA". I on the other hand was super excited, I had conquered the USA now it was time to Cruise the WORLD. Those same friends who couldn't see past that video game switch couldn't see past our city. They trapped themselves in what became a very mundane way of life. The far reaches of the world seemed to vast, and their visions couldn't see that far. I know it may be a stupid game, but it was that exact arcade switch that made me realize their was a whole world out there for me to conquer. The block is just the start, to "Cruise The World" is to really live! It's #Thursday you pick the car, lets start to fucking explore. We all start somewhere, it's where we end up that counts. The moral of the story is that life isn't local, it's global. Be brave enough to step outside your zone, you might just find, what you thought was your world, may have only been a small "area". If you cant see far, its time to get framed. The world is round, it's time to conquer the circumference. #morninginspiration #vintageframes