This Vintage Chain bracelet is true testament of the amazing variety of pieces we carry here in the vault. While to the untrained eye, this may seem like your regular run of the mill charm bracelet, once you really look closely at each metal charm a greater story unfolds. Most recognizably, is the Bhudda sitting in his classic meditative position which typically symbolizes enlightenment. The character charms are Japanese Kanji for temple and the other charm next to the Buddha represents an incense lantern which is used as a tool to evoke zen in Buddhist temples. Lastly as in most East Asian cultures, wealth is a very important attrribute to have in one's life. These are represented by the two gold coins, as well as the charm fashioned out of green and red jade which has intricate flowers engraved in them. All charms are double sided, which adds to it's quality in terms of workmanship. Add this bracelet to your collection today by visiting this link http://www.