I ride with my crew to the end. To many people jump ship when they feel a minor bump in the road. Take this jacket. It is the original #raiders #chalkline I wore when I was a kid. Obviously many years later, still riding with the same clique, still wanting to wear the same jacket. Even though it didn't fit I had it evolved by my boy DRX. Same crew, same jacket, different state. Years ago this jacket was exactly the fit and way I wanted to represent the crew. My evolved tastes and physique forced me to alter the piece to fit the state of my "crew" in modern day. What's the point? The point is that If you a real fucking rider, you have ridden since day one. You felt all the bumps with your crew, but kept on riding. Years later if certain things in your life needed to be altered, you did just that, alter them. You never abandoned your crew, just changed it to fit modern times. It's#wednesday and if you still focusing on the fucking jacket, this shit was WAY over your head. If you gonna ride, get comfortable, You in this ride for life. Bumps, hicks, turns means nothing when it comes to loyalty. Some people are ready to jump at the simplest change of direction. Make sure whoever you are riding with is really riding with you. Nobody like to roll with chameleons who always put on a different jacket. Feel me? #morninginspiration #vintageframes