So our homie Slim Thug just picked up a pair of Vintage Ultra Goliath II Sunglasses and already he has lost them. Being the full service company that we are, we would like to help. If you have seen Slim Thug's vintage Ultra Goliath II sunglasses or know of their whereabouts please contact us immediately. His Goliaths are probably out there all alone and cold just longing to be back on Slim Thug's face.
Here are some stats so you recognize them better:
Height: give or take 2 inches
Weight: a few ounces
Color: Black
Lens: Rose
Favorite Passtime: Not givin' a fugg
Again is you have any information regarding this serious dilemma please do not hesitate to contact SLIM THUG on twitter.
Here is the last known picture of Slim Thug and his Vintage Ultra Goliath II Sunglasses