Name:Jeremie NOTORIUS NOU Trepanier
Age: Old enough to know people that know our people ...
Job: Sales Rep/Marketing and fashion consultant for Infamous Agency
Who Are You:
I'm half italian and caucasian with a Afro that looks algérian, i just say i'm a limited Edition. I work too much even tho i look like im always in vacation, i party too a lot , i buy too many kicks, i eat too much in restaurant, i play poker , i do stupid shit when i'm drunk . I do too many things for free for people that don't even say thanks , all girls are crazy on different levels , I have a dog named Kimbo and hes got more style then most people , I play soccer and oh yeah i've been selling streetvwear brands since 96 : Ecko, L-R-G, Scifen, Boxfresh, Creative Recreation, Green Apple Tree, Orisue, DURKL , Amongs Friends, Contego , and if you think im cocky , then fuck you , i've paid my fucking dues .
What is your most prized pair of Vintage Frames and why:
The Vintage Frames Company x Cazal 951 Sunglasses , because there's only 50 in the world and they are crack.
What is your earliest memory of a pair of frames that stuck in your head until today:
I bought theses bootleg Oakleys for 5$ and resold them for 30$ at my school to some rich kid in 1994 , back then you had weed for weeks for 30 bones
If you could stumble upon 1 pair of Vintage Frames, what would it be:
The Jean Paul Gauthier that Corey has and doesn't want to sell me! FUCKER
About how many Vintage Frames do you have in your collection:
4 Vintage Frames. For me it is quality over quantity!
Why do you choose Vintage Frames instead of new eyewear:
All theses new frames are inspired by the vintage ones , so if you ask me , i will always choose OG vs `Inspired by one`